Why Choose Us?

Study Metro

For one simple reason – working with Study Metro will be a win-win situation for you both in admissions and scholarships. Studying abroad can be an expensive process if you do not save before and after going. Here is where we can provide you the best support. There are many solutions – Scholarships, application fee waiver, quality, after sales support and end-to-end services to name a few. We strive for utmost customer satisfaction through our support and solutions.

Below are some of the points for why you should choose Study Metro

  • Emphasis On Quality:

Study Metro is India’s one of the youngest ISO 9001:2000 Certified Companies along with AIRC, NAFSA, ICEF, AIEA, EAIE, QISAN accreditation. It’s our emphasis on processes that helped us pass the tough certification through an American Accreditation Agency without a single non-conformity.

  • Cost Effective Solutions:

Our clients say that our rates are most reasonable and competitive. We never over-charge our clients. We work as technology partners and focus on repeat business. We understand that it would not be possible if we are not reasonable in prices for our services and products (as mentioned-cost effective solutions). We achieve this by keeping our operational costs to the minimum and always keeping a check on it. Also, we try to automate most of the processes and remove unwanted processes which would add to the overall cost, thus keeping the cost controlled.

  • End-To-End Solutions:

If you have checked all the categories of our 22 products and services, you must be aware that we are capable of providing end-to-end solutions to our customers for any country they choose. This helps in the smooth application process including classes & exam support, profile building, selecting the best match university for your profile, profile projection, visa support and more to any country. Thus keeping the cost controlled.

  • Technical Expertise:

We have a strong country specialized counsellors’ team, and our employees are trained to work in groups of small units and roll out projects in a smooth, efficient and timely manner. We have dedicated applications and visa teams separately to not mingle the processes and for the effective outcome.

  • Single Point Of Contact (SPOC):

At Study Metro, we stress on making our clients feel comfortable. Hence, we provide you a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) or Account Manager for your study abroad plans. This ensures that you always talk to a person who already knows your profile details, and you do not need to repeat the entire details again. This makes you comfortable and in turn process easy for you.

  • Timely Guidance:

Our focus is not on just the initial enrolment, but on giving the timely guidance post that. Our success stories tell all this about us. Nothing could be fruitful if it’s not done on time. Thus, a single point of contact, technical support, and friendly approach help us provide timely guidance to the students looking for support from us. Our technical expertise, up-to-date application portal, quick verification of the submitted documents, writing expertise, all help in achieving this.

  • Technical Support Call-Center:

For all the students and their parents, we have a call-center for after sales support. This comes into the picture once the enrollment is processed. The Idea behind this is to provide efficient support and also to become a bridge between the Sr. Counsellors’ team and the students to avoid any discrepancies. Also, our executives are trained to provide the solutions to basic problems, so that you get the support instantly without missing a single task.

  • Friendly Approach:

Being a successful start-up, reason being our own director studied abroad, we know what’s the student’s expectation from any Abroad guiding agency like us, and we try to fulfil all the requirements of students from selecting the university till they get placed there, we also support our customers in generating successful internships and jobs overseas.